
MARC MARON at the Neptune! Seattle, 2011.

WTF Internet???


This was a great show, the Neptune is a great venue, Mike Drucker the opener was very good, hats off to STG, all that good shit but here’s the thing: when Marc comes out he’s holding this poster with his notes and stuff. My buddy Jordan starts getting excited for me like he’s my grandma or something(I assume, my grandparents died at an early age) but I get nervous because I don’t know where this is going. Could be good, could be a Sinead O’Connor situation right? So he holds the poster up and talks about it and explains for those who aren’t poster nerds that it’s the classic Lenny Bruce Fillmore poster(arguably the most iconic comedy poster ever made) tweaked for that evenings show. He said he liked it but his reaction to his face in place of Lenny Bruce was if I remember correctly, “How the fuck am I supposed to live up to that?!”  then he tossed it and it sat on stage for the whole show, luckily the head of the guy sitting in front of me was blocking it from my view otherwise it would have been weird for me.

I chose this art direction because Marc references Lenny Bruce a lot in his podcast when talking shop with stand ups and I know he’s a Grateful Dead fan and into a lot of the music and pop culture of the the 60’s that emanated from the Bay area. I figured he would like it and it would fuck with his head a little, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! I met him real quick after the show, told him I made the poster, he said it was cool, shook hands, good times.

This is why I make posters, for stuff/people/bands that I love. I love Marc Maron, I used to stay up in my room and and watch Late Night with Conan O’Brien in Junior High and High School(with headphones on and a towel under the door to block the light from the TV) and I caught Marc on there a million times and tried to keep up with him as a stand up over the years but like anything you lose touch here and there. Before Marc started his now humongously successful podcast WTF a couple years ago, all I knew was that he’d been on Air America for a couple years and I didn’t have enough frame of reference to ever check it out…and I’m a dummy and can’t get farther than ankle deep into politics.

Once WTF started, all was right with the world…well not really but at least now there’s a funny, honest couple hours of podcast every week with Marc and the funniest and most interesting people on the planet to help us all slog though the world. If you’re reading this you probably already listen to WTF but if you don’t, pull your head out and get over here or just go into the itunes store and search WTF and subscribe, IT’S FREE, GRANDPA! And get Marc’s new album This Has To Be Funny. It is!



1 Comment

  1. oscar says:

    Awesome print Jon! Love those old Fillmore prints. WTF is a must on my commutes. Good to hear that Marc dug the poster.

    Good Luck and keep up the good work.

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